Shincheonji Church of Jesus and the Knowledge of the Bible

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Rv 21:1, Rv 15:5), is not one of the traditional denominations, but it the promised temple (new heaven and new earth, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony) that appeared today according to Revelation and the New Testament prophecies. In other words, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (or Shincheonji for short) is a name recorded and promised in the Bible as the fulfillment of prophecy.

The churches of the world, on the other hand, are naming themselves according to their own will.

The congregation members of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church of Jesus are also those who have been fulfilled according to the prophecies of Revelation. The following is the process in which the prophecies about Shincheonji have been fulfilled.

After preaching for about 600 years what God prophesied through Jeremiah 2,600 years ago (Jer 31: create a new thing, plant two types of seeds, make a new covenant), God came to Jesus, the promised pastor (Isa 7:14) and sowed the two types of seeds (Mt 13).  Jesus, who sowed the seed, also promised that he would come back to harvest (Mt 13:30, 24:29-31). Today, after about 2,000 years have passed, Jesus came back to harvest (Rv 14:14-20) and seal as promised (Rv 7), to create the 12 tribes (Rv 14). This is the promised new kingdom and new people, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is named and created according to the promises in Revelation of the New Testament. Even the time of its appearance was prophesied in the Bible. Shincheonji Church of Jesus is the physical entity of the prophecies appearing in flesh.

Jesus said, “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe” (Jn 14:29).

God said, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” in Hosea 4:6. If the congregation members of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji and the congregation members of Protestant churches took an exam based on the Bible (a fair and just scale), what would the result be?

The congregation members of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church of Jesus have mastered all of Revelation, the New Testament, and become walking Bibles. They have become the physical entities of the Word in the beginning just like God and Jesus, and this is because they have been born of God’s seed and sealed. This is what God has purposed for 6,000 years (refer to Rv 21:6).

As explained in John 1: 1-5, the Word in the beginning was God, light and life. This Word has the power to create. However, those who do not have the Word in the beginning are darkness and night. Therefore, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, who have the Word are the day and light that shines in the world like the sun, moon, and stars of heaven; but those who do not have the Word, the true light, are the darkness and night (refer to 1 Thes 5).

The knowledge of each era is weighed on just scales.

What is the difference in knowledge when you compare the knowledge of the world of Adam and Noah with the knowledge of the world of the Law of Moses? After Moses, how would the knowledge of the Law of Physical Israel compare with the Biblical knowledge of Spiritual Israel today, since the time of Jesus’ first coming? Furthermore, how would the Biblical knowledge of Spiritual Israel compare with the Biblical knowledge of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji today (New Spiritual Israel)?  This will be made known through just scales (the difference between heaven and earth).

Within the 6,000 years of mankind, the congregation members of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church of Jesus have the greatest Biblical knowledge that has ever been received from God. Verify this for yourself.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus has mastered the prophecies and the fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament that no one else was able to know, and can even testify to  the true reality of the entities themselves. Amen.

SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations
