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Trumpet On Air

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

天國奧秘啟示錄的見證 摘要




[Ask Anything: Shincheonji Q&A] Attire for Service

Q: Why do members of Shincheonji Church wear white to service? A: In the Bible, the word "white robe" appears about nine times. Revelation 7:9 ... a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language... they were wearing white robes There are verses referring to a robe that is actually white to the eye,

見證天國奧秘的比喻和實狀 |第2課 聖經常識

約一5:13 我將這些話寫給你們信奉神兒子之名的人 ,要叫你們知道自己有永生.

IKEA “Bully a Plant” Experiment - 兩種糧食

從IKEA的"Bully a Plant"實驗中看聖經的兩種糧食。

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