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Trumpet On Air

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

[第10課] 水、泉、河的比喻 | 天國奧秘的比喻及其實狀的見證

約翰福音4章14節裏耶穌說,他所賜的水在人裡頭成為泉源。 耶穌所賜的水到底是什麼樣的水,還能在人裡頭成為泉源?




雖然看了又看新約的書卷, 一直沒有弄明白的話,又怎樣有確切的相信呢?世上有公義嗎?神會審判惡人嗎?神帳幕會降臨嗎?降臨在什麼地方? 誰去天國和地獄呢?



What God promised in the New Testament

What is religion and who is the owner of religion? Who created religion? Shincheonji church will let you know the solution. please click the video.

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