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Trumpet On Air

Thoughts, stories and ideas.






應許的兩種種子是指什麼? 自從頭一個人亞當犯罪之後到現在,地球村一直由撒但在主管著。所有犯罪的就是罪的奴僕(約8:34)即魔鬼的奴僕,人與生俱來就是罪人。罪人是不能同聖潔的神同住的。

Wise Question 1. How can you prove God’s existence? How can you prove God’s existence?

Source: Wise Question 1. How can you prove God’s existence? How can you prove God’s existence?Seeing oneself is evidence of God’s existence. God does not reveal himself to people because God and men have become enemies.Visit profile []


一種是神所賜的永生之糧,即為真葡萄樹的耶穌的血;另一種是為野葡萄樹的魔鬼所給的糧,即邪淫的葡萄酒。耶穌是生命樹(約14: 6,15: 1-5),巴比倫的牧者是善惡樹(但4章),蛇(魔鬼)所給的糧就是善惡果。啟示錄在告知我們這兩種樹及果子。因此,不加刪啟示錄,領悟、相信並遵守之人就能得到救恩。

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