The Evidence of Prophecy and Fulfillment in Revelation of the New Testament

The promised pastor (Rv 2 ~ 3, Rv 12) of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony (Rv 21:1, 15:5) received and ate the open scroll (Rv 10), saw all the events of Revelation (Rv 22:8), and became Jesus’ messenger (Rv 22:16) who was sent to testify about what he saw and heard to the churches (Rv 1:1-3).

Those who add or take away the words of the prophecy and fulfillment of Revelation will receive curses and will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven (Rv 22:18-19), while those who see and believe the words of this prophecy and its fulfillment, and take to heart what is written in it, are blessed (Rv 1:1-3).

God’s purpose and will is to fulfill Revelation, the New Testament (New Covenant), and the hope of the congregation members is to see and believe when Revelation, the New Testament, fulfills; become part of the 12 tribes, the promised kingdom; and enter the kingdom of heaven.

It is recorded that this time that is promised in the New Testament will be like the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:22-30). Do you know where the place of salvation is at this time?

At this time, which is Today, there is only one pastor in the entire world who has mastered the prophecies of Revelation in the New Testament and its fulfillment. This person is the promised pastor of the New Testament. But, it was written that “he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation (Lk 17:25).” However, he ultimately overcomes and receives the iron scepter to rule all the nations.

SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations
