The CCK and CBS must Repent and be Born Again!

Main Reference: Jn 3:1-6

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) and Christian Broadcasting System (CBS) have become corrupt. They are not religious, but are the epitome of evil. The CCK and CBS should stop offering coercive conversion programs for monetary gain. They should stop committing anti-nation, anti-society, and anti-religious actions. Why do they accuse Shincheonji for all the evil deeds that they have committed? Repent!

As Solomon, the king of Israel, bowed down before pagan gods, Israel was divided into two and destroyed. During the Japanese colonization, why did the Presbyterian church, the foundation of the current CCK, incite pastors of other denominations to bow down and worship the Japanese emperor-gods? Repent!

The CCK does not keep the law nor the commandments. Why do they make their own congregation members become the children of the devil by distorting the words of God from their true meanings, telling lies and sowing those lies into their members’ hearts? Repent!

The CCK sold the positions of their chairmen and pastors. They let such pastors preach to their congregation members in their pulpits. What do you think these people taught? Did they teach them Godly knowledge or worldly knowledge? Did they teach them what the flesh desires or what the Spirit desires? (Rom 8:5-7)

They took down the world’s largest palm-printed Korean national flag, tried to destroy the monument to the Declaration of Unification, and hindered our various volunteer works, including even the event on Korean Memorial Day. Aren’t these actions anti-nation, anti-society, and anti-religion? Repent.

The CCK is the most corrupt organization in the history of Christianity. Those who love such corrupt deeds are the CCK’s pastors and their congregation members. Repent, you false pastors and false believers.

We, Shincheonji, do not carry out coercive conversion education. Because the CCK is corrupt, their congregation members voluntarily come to us and study the Word of God’s covenant without cost. Their sins are forgiven according to the promise of the Bible and they are born again of God’s seed and the Holy Spirit in Shincheonji.

SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations
