Prophecy and Fulfillment, Belief and Disbelief in each Generation

The promises God had made with Abraham were all fulfilled at the time of Moses, and the promises made through the Old Testament were all fulfilled at the time of Jesus’ first coming. And the promises Jesus made in the New Testament were all fulfilled at the time of Jesus’ second coming. The end of one era and the creation of a new era were prophesied and fulfilled because of the corruption of that one era. Is this not true?

Adam’s world did not believe in the things that were fulfilled in Noah's time, Noah’s descendants of the world of Canaan did not believe in the things that were fulfilled in Moses’ time, and physical Israel of the time of Moses’ Law did not believe in the things that were fulfilled in the time of Jesus’ first coming. Also, Jesus' spiritual Israel did not believe in the works at the time of Jesus' second coming. This is because when people of one generation become corrupt, degenerate, and sin, they become the slaves of sin; and the spirit of the devil enters them and they do things according to the devil’s will.

God said that one without knowledge is destroyed (Hos 4:6). They couldn’t believe, even after seeing the fulfillment, because they didn’t have the knowledge of the Old Testament (prophecy). And although the New Testament was fulfilled, they couldn’t know, realize, or believe it because they didn’t have the knowledge of the New Testament (prophecy). Isn’t this the reality?

Christians who believed in the fulfillment of the Old Testament and Jesus looked back on physical Israel at the time of the first coming and thought, “Why couldn’t they believe in the fulfillment of the Old Testament and the promised pastor, Jesus, and instead persecuted him?”. And they diligently preached the gospel to physical Israel. This work of evangelism preached the Old Testament, the fulfillment of the Old Testament, and the promised pastor, Jesus. However, they (physical Israel) did not believe.

Now then, do the Christians of spiritual Israel, who are this passionate, believe and keep the new covenant today? These Christians of spiritual Israel believed in the prophecies of the Old Testament, the fulfillment of its prophecies through Jesus, and the promised pastor, Jesus. And they preached to the point of martyrdom. Today however, are they seeing, hearing, and believing in the second coming of Jesus, the prophecies of the 4 gospels, the prophecies of Revelation, the promised pastor who came according to prophecy, and the reality fulfilled according to prophecy? Just like physical Israel, they can’t see, realize, or believe. The fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies at the time of Jesus’ first coming and the promised pastor, Jesus, are all that they know and preach. These are works of the time of the first coming. The prophecies to be fulfilled at the time of the second coming, the fulfillment, and the promised pastor of the New Testament are beyond their imaginations.

For example, the works of the first coming are elementary teachings and the fulfillment of the prophecies at the time of the second coming is perfection. The work of sowing the seeds at the first coming was done to harvest, seal, and created the 12 tribes of God’s kingdom and people. Also, the work of bearing the cross and shedding the blood at the time of the first coming were for God's kingdom and priests at the time of the second coming (Lk 22:14-20, Rv 5:9-10, Rv 1:5-6). Isn't this testimony correct?How can the Christians of spiritual Israel, who say that physical Israel doesn’t accept their preaching of the gospel, not listen to the gospel of the fulfillment of the New Testament, which is the new covenant, today at the second coming?

Without receiving the testimony of the gospel of the fulfillment of the new covenant at Jesus’ second coming, one will never enter heaven. This is the word of Jesus. But, will those who have been taken captive by the devil believe and keep God’s words of promise? Those born of God’s seed and those freed from sin by Jesus’ blood will believe in the fulfilled realities of the fulfillment of the new covenant. Amen.