[Ask Anything: Shincheonji Q&A] Attire for Service

Q: Why do members of Shincheonji Church wear white to service?

A: In the Bible, the word "white robe" appears about nine times.

Revelation 7:9 ... a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language... they were wearing white robes

There are verses referring to a robe that is actually white to the eye, whereas in other verses, a white robe has a spiritual meaning.

The spiritual meaning of a robe is a person's heart. A white robe means complete faith and righteous acts before God.

In Revelation 22:14, there are those washing their robes. It means to wash the robe of one's heart. That is, to make one's heart clean and their acts righteous with the word.

The Bible says that God, Jesus, the souls of the martyrs, and angels are wearing white robes.

At the times of the Old Testament, God ordered priests to put on white garments.

In the Book of Revelation, there is an expression, "they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

The reason why we, Shincheonji wear white to service is to remind ourselves to become clean with the word and also to create a bright mood for the service.